MLYNKY prostredn\\u00fd h\\u00e1mor - 0.45h
CHOT\\u00c1RNA DOLKA - 0:45h
ZADN\\u00dd H\\u00dd\\u013d - 1:15h
DEDINKY - 1:15h<\\\/td><\\\/tr><\\\/table>\",\"trails\":\"It is one of six parts of the village Mlynky. Havrania dolina is located in the southern part of the Slovak Paradise National Park. In the summer there is the possibility of hiking nearby (Geravy, Zejmarska roklina), the mightier tourists throughout the Slovak Paradise (Sucha Bela, Klastorisko), enjoy biking, visiting the cave Dobsinska ladova jaskyna and the dam Dedinky. In winter you can ski in ski resorts Mlynky-Kruhova and Mlynky-Biele Vody artificial snow on ski slopes and groomed cross-country trails. Slovak Paradise National Park\"},\"videoss\":[],\"images\":[{\"id\":\"85\",\"type\":\"image\\\/jpeg\",\"filename\":\"havrania_dolina-2014-06-05-9-32-10.jpg\",\"path\":\"\\\/uploads\",\"title\":\"\",\"upload_marker\":{\"id\":\"22\",\"marker_id\":\"22\",\"upload_id\":\"85\",\"ordering\":\"0\"}}],\"imagesWysiwyg\":[{\"id\":\"84\",\"type\":\"image\\\/jpeg\",\"filename\":\"havrania_dolina_1-2014-06-05-9-32-02.jpg\",\"path\":\"\\\/uploads\",\"title\":\"\"}]}"); window.modules = JSON.parse('[]');
It is one of six parts of the village Mlynky. Havrania dolina is located in the southern part of the Slovak Paradise National Park. In the summer there is the possibility of hiking nearby (Geravy, Zejmarska roklina), the mightier tourists throughout the Slovak Paradise (Sucha Bela, Klastorisko), enjoy biking, visiting the cave Dobsinska ladova jaskyna and the dam Dedinky. In winter you can ski in ski resorts Mlynky-Kruhova and Mlynky-Biele Vody artificial snow on ski slopes and groomed cross-country trails. Slovak Paradise National Park